Skuggi seeria jätkub teile meeldival moel. Sellest tekib ilmselt uus rubriik. Peaks hästäägi ja labeli looma.
See oli kaks päeva tagasi, kui kella 12 ajal helistas mulle Erla töölt.
"Anni, oled sa kodus?"
"Jaa, olen küll, mis on?"
"Tead, ma sain kõne, et sadamas, Harpa kõrval täpselt, seal, kus need militaarlaevad ka tavaliselt on, et seal on üks laev, kuhu Skuggi on läinud. On sul aega, et talle sinna järgi minna?"
"Kas sa teed nalja?"
"Ei tee. Saad sa minna? Ma saadan sulle Facebooki selle laeva nime."
.... Okeii
Laeva nimi oli Bjarni Sæm. Panin endale siis hilbud selga, vööpasin näo punase huulepulgaga üle ning hakkasin sadama poole astuma. Täpselt Harpa kõrvalt leidsin suure halli värvi laeva nimega Bjarni Sæmundsson RE 30. Astusin sisse väravatest, mis keelas sinna üleliigsetel inimestel kondama minna. Laevale viis parajalt pikk "trepp" selles ebatraditsioonilises mõttes. Oma linnatüdruku välimusega ning vööbatud punaste huultega jõudsin lõpuks laevale, kui kohtasin seal sellist mõnusat klassikalises mõttes meremeest, kes mulle lihtsalt ainiti otsa vaatas.
"Ma kuulsin, et teil on mu kass..."
*hakkas naerma*
"Jah, tule kaasa."
Astusime 10 sammu laeva nina poole, kui ta avas mulle kaptenisilla ukse, kus oli kogu laeva juhtimisvarustus (või noh, vähemalt nii palju kui mulle, va vöhikule, tundus). Juhtimispuldi taga oli tool ning peale ukse avamist vaatas mulle sealt vastu unise näega Skuggi, kes end kapteni tooli peale magama oli keeranud.
"Imelik oled peast vä?" ütlesin eesti keeles, mille peale Skuggi ainult haigutas.
"Aitäh, et helistasite. Ma viin ta nüüd koduaresti...umbes kahesajaviiekümneneljandat korda."
Mootoriõli järgi haisev kass süles (ma päriselt ka ei tea kus kurat ta seal laevas kõik käis), hakkasin siis sealt laevalt sama teed pidi tagasi kobima, mis ma tulin, kui minuga liitus laeva pealt maha tulles ka üks teine mõnusalt habetunud meremees.
"Pane oma kass ketti, mulle ei meeldi kassid," ütles ta mulle ainult.
"Vabandust, ma viin ta koduaresti."
Viisingi. Terve ülejäänud päeva oli ta sunniviisiliselt kodus. Järgmise päeva hommikul kui ülevale korrusele läksin, võtsin ta endaga süles kaasa. Samal hetkel kui ma ta üleval korrusel maha panin toas, keeras ta sujuvalt otsa ringi ning läks oma kassiluugist välja.
Koju tuli alles järgmisel päeval.
ENG version, using my shitty english.
The seria of Skuggi continues, as you would like. I should start think about some hashtag or label for that.
That happend 2 days ago, when Erla called me from work.
"Anni, are you at home?"
"Yes, i am. What's the matter?"
"I just got a phone call about Skuggi. They called, that at one boat what is next to the Harpa, that Skuggi went there. You know, where all the military boats are usually."
"Are you joking?"
"No. Can you go? I'll send the name of the boat to your Facebook."
... Okeyy
The name of this ship was Bjarni Sæm. I dressed myself and colored my lips with red lipstick and then i was ready to go. Exactly next to the Harpa i saw huge grey ship, named Bjarni Sæmundsson RE 30. I stepped in from a gate, what told me not to do it (that wasn't meant for people who don't have anything to do there). It was a long "stair" to the ship. I looked like a city-girl with my bright-red lips and when i finally arrived to the ship, i met one sailor, who was only looking at me, without saying a thing.
"I heard you have my cat..."
*He started to laugh*
"Come with me."
We stepped 10 steps to the start of the ship and he opened a door for me. First thing i saw, was many buttons and i really realized that this is the captain place, where you can control the ship. Next to the buttons was a captain chair, where sleeping Skuggi was opening his eyes.
"Are you out of your mind?" i asked to Skuggi, using estonian language. He only yawned to me.
"Thanks for calling us. I'll go home now and i'm gonna put this cat to home arrest... to the twohundredfiftyfouth time..."
I crabbed him and carrying a cat, who smelled like motor oil (please don't ask, i have no idea), i started to walk back the same way as i came there. One point another sailor was joining with me for getting out of the ship.
"Chain your cat. I hate cats," he said to me.
"I apologize. I'm gonna go and put him to the home arrest."
And i did. The rest of the day, he was in my apartment with a closed window (what he use to go out usually... and come in, of course). Next morning, when i went upstairs and i carried him with me. But at the same moment, when he felt the floor under his feet, he turned around and went out, using his own cat door.
He came back home next day...
Leidsin GOOGLE'st pildi ka sellest laevast. / I even found picture. This is the ship.
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