

Need fotod on tehtud juba mõned ajad tagasi, kui ma veel Eestis endaga baseerusin. Fotode ainsaks inspiratsiooniks oli parukas, mille ma enda sõbrannalt laenuks sain, kui meil Kaisaga ühel õhtul veini juues mõte tuli, et parukas oleks päris põnev element, millega fotodel mängida. Tõele au andes- tõepoolest. 

Proovisin hiljem fotodega veidi manipuleerida, lisades nendele Pulp Fiction ning Roy Lichtensteini maiguga tunnetust, millest sündis HÄPPENINGI artikkel veidi teistsuguse fotomaterjaliga. 

See oli üks õhtutund. Fotodel on mu sõbranna Kaisa. 

in other words: I took these photographs quite some time ago, when i still lived in Estonia. The only inspiration behind them is the wig, what i borrowed from my friend. Wig idea were created, when I and Kaisa were drinking wine one night and we thought that playing with a wig would be a good idea. Truth to be told- it really were. 

Later i tried to manipulate with these photos when trying to add them some Pulp Fiction and Roy Lichtenstein style, what created THIS article in Estonian art magazine. 

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